
How To Keep A Brooding Record Simplified

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Below is a nimble simple way to sustain a successive brooding record sop as to yield success in the venture and keep track of mortality rate among your poultry chicks. It will help you to know factors for mortality rate, balance any influctuations amongst your brood and prepare to curb any future challenges faced on the poultry farm.

Date chicks started: ________ No. chicks started: ________ Breed or cross: _______ 

Mortality (number of chicks that died) 

Week  Sun  Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri  Sat  Total 


Total: _________ 


Feed Used 

Chick starter   _______kg       Cost ________Ugx               Cost of fuel     ________ 

Grower            _______kg       Cost ________ Ugx               Cost of chicks ________ 

Broiler Feed    _______kg       Cost ________ Ugx               Cost of feed    ________ 

Other               _______kg       Cost ________ Ugx                Other               ________ 

TOTAL           _______kg      Cost ________ Ugx            Total________ 


Chicks dead to end of brooding period _________ 

Weight of feed used per chick started __________ 

Weight of feed used per chick raised ___________ 

Income (birds sold or used as broilers)__________ 

Expenses ________________________________ 

Net profit or loss ____________________ 

Illustrated below is an example of how a poultry farmer can use the above brood record method.  


Date chicks started: April 1 No. chicks started: 50     Breed or cross: local grown 

Mortality (number of chicks that died) 

Week  Sun  Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri  Sat  Total 
1st        1     1        2 
2nd                    1  1 
3rd                       0 
4th  1        1     1     3 
5th                       0 
6th           2           2 
7th     1                 1 
8th        1              1 
9th              1        1 
10th                 1     1 


Total: _12______ 

The pullets then can be recorded with time in categories of weeks and months.  


(Starts at 10th week and ends at the completion of week first eggs were laid) 

Number of birds at 10 weeks ___________ 

Mortality (number of pullets that died) 

10th week __________           16th week __________           22nd week __________ 

11th week __________           17th week __________           23rd week __________ 

12th week __________           18th week __________           24th week __________ 

13th week __________           19th week __________           25th week __________ 

14th week __________           20th week __________ 

15th week __________           21st week __________           TOTAL     __________ 


Furthermore, a vaccination and vaccination record is essential to curb any pestilences about, seeking to infect young pullets one has laboured to farm. 

Vaccination Record 

Date  Fowl Pox  Bronchitis  Newcastle  Cost 

Total Cost of Vaccination __________ 

 Then, below is a table record for weighting the chicken and also assess the turnover; 

Weight Feed Used 

   Grower  Other  Cost 
10th week       
11th week       
12th week       
13th week       
14th week       
15th week       
16th week       
17th week       
18th week       
19th week       
20th week       
21st week       
22nd week       
23rd week       
24th week       
25th week       


Total Feed Costs ____________________ 

Number of birds that died during growing period __________ 

Weight per pullet for the growing period              __________ 

Brooding costs                                                          __________ 

Pullet growing costs                                                 __________ 

Total cost to date                                                    __________ 


Date hens started to lay __________      Number hens at start of laying __________ 

Number hens that died or were removed from the flock 

1st month ____________________         7th month ____________________ 

2nd month ____________________        8th month ____________________ 

3rd month ____________________         9th month ____________________ 

4th month ____________________         10th month ___________________ 

5th month ____________________         11th month ___________________ 

6th month ____________________         12th month ___________________

Eggs Produced 

  Monthly Totals  Egg Sales 
1st month     
2nd month     
3rd month     
4th month     
5th month     
6th month     
7th month     
8th month     
9th month     
10th month     
11th month     
12th month     


Feed Used                Cost 

Layer           ________kg     ________ 

Oyster shell ________kg    ________ 

Other          ________kg     ________ 

Total          ________kg    ________  


Feed per hen for period          __________ 

Average number eggs per hen 

Total egg sales                            _______ 

Total costs at start of lay              _______ 

Feed & other costs during lay     _______ 

Total                                               _______ profit or loss                              _______ 

(Include in your records the value of all eggs used at home.  Calculate value based on retail market price at time of use.) 

This way of keeping farm records is guaranteed and created to suite the deligent farmer in a robust and clear manner with intention to succeed in a poultry farming venture. Of course there are other ways to achieve a farming goal, but the above is simple, quick to understand and is based on honest works by a farmer.


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